Alexa Seleno


Dragon Doc

My family and I had so much fun at the Mystic Realms Fantasy Fair! I had an absolute blast meeting many dragon lovers (not to mention pirates, fairies, forest creatures, knights, monsters, and some colorful local politicians). I signed many books and enjoyed writing amusing inscriptions!

The best part? I brought a “patient” to the fair. Meet Basko the Dragon, a.k.a. my teenager, also known as the talented illustrator of Wings and Wounds. Many fair-goers won the opportunity to feed or medicate the dragon. Hilarious! Turns out Basko is a big fan of food, but an absolutely terrible patient about taking medicine.

Enjoy the fantasy fair photo gallery. As you can see, Basko the Dragon stole the show!

What did Basko “eat,” you ask? Great question. Fair-goers chose between fake steak, cheese, or fish, and fed the dragon using tongs.

And what about medication? We made “pills” and “capsules” using craft felt. As for medicine vials, we used peanut jars with giant prescription labels. The medication was also administered using tongs, but with much more difficulty. Some people had to chase Basko down!

For those who were able to attend the fair, I enjoyed seeing you! I hope we’re all able to take part next year, too. For those who couldn’t make it (including many around the world, far away from our little corner of Idaho), I love getting to know you from afar. Please continue to send me your messages, questions, and of course terrible dragon jokes!


Dr. S.K. Burkman, author of The Dragon Doc Tales

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About DR. S.K. burkman

As a busy veterinarian, Dr. Burkman keeps her sanity by writing about dragons. Many of her own adventures and misadventures are woven into her novels.