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Meet Dr. S.K. Burkman

On a summer day long ago, Dr. S. K. Burkman climbed a mountain, got sick, and hallucinated a dragon. Thus began a lifelong fascination with dragons, and many, many exhaustion-fueled musings on what they might be like as patients. Originally from Colorado and British Columbia, Dr. Burkman earned her doctorate in veterinary medicine at Colorado State University.

As a busy veterinarian, Dr. Burkman keeps her sanity by writing about dragons. Many of her own adventures and misadventures are woven into her novels. Outside of work and writing, she enjoys hiking, backpacking, kayaking, travel, cake baking and decorating, building and remodeling, and looking for dragons. She has been married to Joshua for over twenty years, and they have one child. Dr. Burkman and her family reside in Idaho with their motley assortment of pets, and maybe, just maybe, a dragon or two.


Dr. S.K. Burkman petting a dragon
The Dragon Doc


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Fantasy Fair Gallery

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Fun Facts About Dragons

Dragon’s Hoard

Actual items found in a dragon’s hoard: seven full settings of silverware. Someone, somewhere, has to have missed these!

Dragons Talk!

Some dragons talk! They’re not as chatty as Smaug in The Hobbit, though. Don’t believe what you see in the movies.

Dragon Gall Bladder

Dragons have an enormous gall bladder relative to their body size. The gall bladder stores bile, which is synthesized in the liver, and secreted from the gall bladder to the small intestine to digest fats. This is why dragons can eat a very large, fat-filled meal with no gastric distress.

Dragon Toes

Different species of dragons have different numbers of toes. Most species have four toes on their hind claws, a few species have five toes, and one species has only three. Regardless of the toe count, they all have a wickedly strong grip.