Alexa Seleno

Fun Facts About Dragons

DID YOU KNOW… that dragons make popcorn???

Fun facts: adolescent dragons sometimes get their kicks by visiting cornfields at night in the fall, once the standing corn has dried out.

They take big mouthfuls of dried corn and then breathe fire on it, popping corn in their mouths. If you’re hoping to witness this phenomenon, try staking out a corn maze after dark, where the cornstalks are tallest and there are plenty of places to hide. But don’t get your hopes up. Dragons are REALLY talented at evasion.

Curious to learn more about dragons? Ask Dr. Burkman!

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Did you know? Dragons sometimes accidentally breathe fire when they sneeze or belch. If this happens at the same time a dragon passes gas, then things get a bit… ahem… exciting.

The eyes of dragons have thick, transparent third eyelids, similar to those of reptiles, that help protect their eyes from water, wind, and debris that could injure their eyes. However eye injuries still sometimes occur in dragons.

Did you know? Some species of dragons have feathers! Dragons, along with their distant bird cousins, descended from dinosaurs (I think).

Dragon teeth are similar to those of crocodiles and alligators. If a tooth gets broken, over time the tooth is shed and replaced by a new tooth. Cool! The term for this type of dentition is “polyphyodont.”

Did you know? Dragons are quite fond of copper. Bits of copper piping, pots, pans, kettles, wiring, and more are commonly found in dragon hoards.

Very young dragons sometimes practice their camouflage skills by playing “peek-a-boo” with young humans, only to disguise themselves when the parents are looking. So if your small child talks about dragons, it might not be his or her imagination.