Alexa Seleno

New and Upcoming Developments

Dragon Doc

Hello Readers of The Dragon Doc Tales,

    Whew, there is a lot going on in The Dragon Doc World! First, The Dragon Doc is now on Twitter. Feel free to say hello @IAmTheDragonDoc! Facebook and Instagram coming soon, whenever I have time to set those up in between treating dragons.

    Speaking of dragons, there have been so many wheezing and coughing dragons lately! One would think, since most of them breathe fire, the wildfire smoke wouldn’t bother them that much. But they seem to be really irritated by the air quality lately, as are most humans! Years ago I often worried about dragons inadvertently setting forest fires by sneezing or belching. However it seems they take great care not to start fires. After all, the fires destroy their habitat too, so it makes sense for them to protect their environment. Sending good wishes to the firefighters and all those (human and non-human animals, including dragons) affected by the fires and smoke. Here’s to getting them under control soon.

Wounded Asian Dragon

    Editing is coming along nicely thanks to the talented Stacey Goitia. Once Stacey and I learned more about each other, we discovered many personal connections between Idaho, Arizona, and Colorado. This is definitely a weird, wild small world, but the odd connections make me feel like Stacey was meant to be my editor!

    The other big upcoming development for The Dragon Doc Tales is a new website, which should be up and running shortly! All Blogspot posts will be migrated to the new website, and new posts will be added to the new website blog page. So get ready for some changes! The new format should offer a better experience for readers, including ease of commenting, following, and sharing. I’ll keep everyone posted here when the website and new blog are live.

    Meanwhile, please enjoy the following excerpt from chapter 13.

? ? ? ? ? 

    Cradling my left hand with its temporary bandaging in my lap, trying and failing to ignore the throbbing pain, I furiously brainstormed a plausible story. At least I hoped it was believable….

    Finally the nurse, a dynamo of a guy in bright blue scrubs, called my name, and I was ushered to an exam room. He asked me some standard history questions as he measured my blood pressure (high from pain!), and I informed him I’d been bitten by a patient and was concerned about joint involvement in one finger. Notably I didn’t specify what KIND of patient.

    “Dog or cat?”

    Oh boy. Here we go.

? ? ? ? ?

As always, thank you for reading my tales!


The Dragon Doc

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About DR. S.K. burkman

As a busy veterinarian, Dr. Burkman keeps her sanity by writing about dragons. Many of her own adventures and misadventures are woven into her novels.

6 thoughts on “New and Upcoming Developments”

  1. In hindsight I should have said an iguana, in the hopes that the physician would have no idea what their mouths look like. That would have been a be a more common critter than what I told her.

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