
New and Upcoming Developments

Hello Readers of The Dragon Doc Tales,     Whew, there is a lot going on in The Dragon Doc World! First, The Dragon Doc is now on Twitter. Feel free to say hello @IAmTheDragonDoc! Facebook and Instagram coming soon, whenever I have time to set those up in between treating dragons.     Speaking of dragons, … Read more

Big News for The Dragon Doc Tales!

Dear Reader of The Dragon Doc Tales,     Please forgive last week’s radio silence. Two big things happened since TDDT’s last post!      First, my very talented illustrator started her fall semester in school. Seventh Grade is keeping her extremely busy, and a dragon drawing for the blog was simply too much last week. However she … Read more

A Word About The Dragon Doc Tales

Dear Reader, What you’ve read thus far are samples of The Dragon Doc Tales. As many of you know, the Tales contain many elements of real-life experiences. For instance, I truly developed High Altitude Cerebral Edema while hiking Humphrey’s Peak in Arizona, and I actually saw a dragon. I wish I could say that she … Read more


        Settling into Idaho was a mixed experience. We moved in February, shortly after a 65 degree Christmas Day in Arizona, and I remained an icicle for weeks in the frigid Idaho winter. Keeping up with laundry became an unexpected challenge, as I churned through layers and layers and layers of socks and shirts … Read more

Introducing My Illustrator

For a change of pace, I’d like to introduce my illustrator, Jaedynn, alias “Caesar.” The artist at work Aside from drawing….  Jaedynn also paints….  Creates digital graphics…. And she sculpts, too! When she’s not busy creating art, Jaedynn enjoys piano and horseback riding. She also loves sharks and is passionate about shark conservation. Oh, and … Read more


         My eyes were closed, limbs slack. I needed to get out of bed, but not quite yet.         Early in the mornings I often contemplated the first time I saw a dragon, just below timberline on a mountain, my head swimming and throbbing due to severe altitude sickness. Had she intended to … Read more

Tech in Crisis

  Meeting a dragon can be terrifying. Luckily my first exposure to dragons happened when my brain was impaired due to acute mountain sickness, so I was fascinated rather than frightened. Granted, I was petrified later when the same dragon came along once my brain was back to normal function. But at the least my … Read more

Tech Meets Dragon

    Dragons had the canny ability to determine what days I worked and when I was alone at the veterinary clinic. Or more likely, they hid nearby and watched the clinic, keeping track of who entered and left the building. But if dragons were hiding in the area, to my knowledge none of my colleagues … Read more

Dragon Toes and Horrible Odors

    Only three days after the fire-sneezing dragon, I left the veterinary clinic relatively early for once, having suffered through a day of difficult cases, cranky staff, aggressive pets, and hostile pet owners. Not wanting to suffer through stacks of records as well, I decided to call it a day. The staff had all left … Read more

Fiery Sneezes

The fact that I had not only witnessed, but also treated, two living, breathing dragons, each on two different occasions at that, became a delicious secret that I carried with me constantly. Dragons fluttered on the margins of my thoughts during all interactions at work and home, and they soared and dived and swooped through … Read more